Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hey Idiot Its Reel Life

Hey Idiot Its Reel Life
After the success of 3 idiots, I had been watching out each and every preview on news channel which can air a conversation with “The perfectionist” Aamir Khan. The day came very soon when he took an avatar of Spokesperson for Vidhu Vinod Chopra (VVC) Production house along with other crew member talking about the story and the script. But the dream took an ugly turn when agitated VVC embroiled in skirmishes with a reporter. So Before I could satiate my fathom for 3 Idiots it became an exaggerated TRP baby. But finally things turned my side when I saw Aamir Khan in “Aap Ki Adalat” few days back. I ensconced myself with lot of eatables in my offing and forgot rest everything. The conversation started off with light talks but how can we assume that media Brats like Rajat Kapoor not pinning down Achilles Heel. So the heated argument of VVC with media became the pivot of conversation. Aaamir handled it quite well and moved ahead. I heard a head turner in midst of the conversation when he talked about his disappointment with Big B over “Black”. I was perplexed when I heard that he blamed Amitabh Bachachan for supporting Child abuse in the movie. After these excerpt I lost my concentration from rest of the talk as my mind was fishing around the quote made regarding “Black”. As I m an aficionado of Amitji as well as Sanjay Leela Bhansali (Khamoshi, HDDCS, Devdas fame) so it was not easy for me to eat a humble pie for lampooning my demi Gods.
Since I watched Aamir in his directorial debut “Taare Zameen Par” I was surprised why an actor in spring of his on-screen career would take such a risk behind the screen, that too with such a sensitive issue? Why after maiden off screen appearance in TZP he hanged his shoe? But that night I got the answer of the big Q “Why Aamir Khan made Taare Zameen Par”. So, was it an effort to square off with Amitabh and to make TZP a pit against “Black”. Undoubtedly, Aaamir has remained a front runner against any menace of society be it Narmada Bacho or Tourism Bachao Aandolan and his concern for Child abuse is worth appreciation but to laden someone solely for such a menace doesn’t suit his persona. Of course Big B is the biggest icon of India and the whole nation emulates him. But there is a shear gap between his real and reel life. If Aamir shoots a Politician in Rang de Basanti in fits of rage of a scam does it mean he is promoting violence among youngsters? This question is answer to his question.
TZP he asked a question to parents whether they want a pedantic, sophisticated and vigorous tutor (Debraj Sahai) or a suave, maverick and empathetic mentor (Ram Shankar Nikam) for their little angels. Whether they want their child to grow strong against all the odds on their own or they want to pamper the buds till they bloom as flowers. And screamingly an obvious and unanimous answer was the latter one. But in midst of this hullaballoo we forgot about Ishant Awasti and Michelle. Both these characters are less similar but more different. For one life is beautiful as he can see the beautiful world, express his thoughts, share his feeling with his ilk and live life up to the hilt. But the latter one is a neglected gift of God for whom life is a curse. Her only weapon is her instincts. She is a completely ostracized baby for whom the world is zipped in her villa, her friends are her toys. Obsession of these fictitious characters, overlook of parents and invidious sibling has turned her more frustrated, obstinate and obdurate spoiled brat. So her concerns are quite grave than other children. Her mistakes are obfuscated as her mischievousness and her need as her stubbornness. Due to such reclusive environment she had made her own world of fictitious stars (her toys) where she rules. And any restriction in her world annoys her. In Lay mans term if Ishant is in the primary stage of this nemesis then Michelle is in the final stage. And she need a severe treatment as compared to her ilk.
My last few words are especially for parents that each child is different and they need to be pampered different. Scolding or thrashing a child for his refurbishment is not a testament of promoting child abuse. It is the other bitter half of the love and care which children don’t understand. Parenting is not just about soothing emotions and tapping back for their liabilities in fact it is bolstering those amateur minds keeping a tab on them. Lastly regarding the comment of Aamir Khan I would say there are several facets of the same nugget only our mind remains stationary sometimes.

Friday, June 18, 2010

In the name of Honor

“Rassi Jal gayi par bal nahi gaya”. Presently Haryana state completely hold true against this phrase. Since last few months senior citizen of Haryana have become eye candies for media be it Rathore convicted in Ruchika case or the Khap panchayat involved in honor killing. Although some respite felt when Rathore was sent behind the bars few days back but these “Taus” are still blowing the trumpet with their nefarious activities. Rural Haryana and Northern UP has become the epicenter of their grudge. Lovebirds are meeting a brutal end in the name of honor but the pitch of their bloodshed cry is not enough to rankle the ears of politicians. Albeit eclectic and maverick Naveen Jindal has pull up his socks against the evil but he is in a real quagmire of youth sentiments and vote bank. The quest is why he is not getting stringent against Khaps? Media brats are pinning him down on the pretext of Vote bank but the fact is Jindal himself is not justified by marriage within same gotra. In several media interview he has raised a simple question to media moguls like Vinod Dua “Will you allow marriage within the gotra in your family”. At this point media person turned either mum or laconic with a diplomatic reply. So Jindal’s only request is to put yourself in his shoes and then reply the same question with saturation of practicality.
Although we youth have turned belligerent against the Khaps and protesting against them by deliberately tying knot within the Gatra. But just think once that is this an end to the carnage? Is our stand (to marry within the gotra) against Khaps is justifiable. If we will dig a bit we would realize that the Khaps are trying to preserve our culture, our dignity and our existence. We always ask these oldies why they are chasing these values and rituals when they didn’t know who made them. Guys, I agree that these principles were not made by them, but it’s their responsibility to restore and preserve those values. These are the basis of our existence. Our ancestors have passed on these culture and values to our grandfathers and they have pampered us with those traditions. Now they want us to carry on these values to next generations but we jockeying in the mad race of modernization and westernization have denied it blatantly. We rephrase our own tradition and customs as orthodoxy and superstition. We take positives of other culture to criticize ours but forget that every religion has its own code of conduct. Religion, culture and values were made for refurbishment of human being. This is the reason why humans have been graded above animals so that they can control their instincts.
Guys don’t you think our generation is replete with opportunism up to the hilt. Whenever we compare ourselves with western world we cash our culture and tradition as trump card to show our supremacy. At one end we guys protest against caste and creed while talking about inter caste marriage but on the other hand we love to eat the icing of creamy layer, OBC, SC and ST reservation in jobs and college admission. We are quite firm about marriage within the gotra, but how many of us have taken stand against dowry which is still a blot on our society. Why we have not taken any stringent step against skewed sex ration in Punjab or Haryana? The fact is we don’t want to control or sacrifice ourselves. Selfishness and practicality has imbibed us up to the brim. We have manipulated everything according to our need and comfort giving an excuse that “Tradition can be sacrificed for human being” but not the vice versa. Undoubtedly the statement hold true for certain exceptional situation, but we have taken it for granted. As gay marriages have already being made legal in India the day is not too far when we would say “I have fallen in love with 2 girls and want to marry both” so we must add a clause of polygamy in our culture.
Friends whenever we climb a ladder to reach at the zenith one feet always remain grounded while the other ascend toward the top similarly to reach the pinnacle of humanity we must move one of our foot toward modernization but should not forget our own entity. Otherwise as we are campaigning to preserve of National Animal (Tiger) and National Sport (Hockey) we will have to run a campaign to preserve ourselves.

The IPL saga

If someone ask me to tell the saga of IPL and Lalit Modi in one line I would just say “Bhanvre ne khilaya phool, phool ko le gay Rajkuwar”. The IPL saga is an epitome of a masala Film of Yashraj Banner which started full pomp and show, replete with Glamour and Fashion and a pinch of cricket as well. In its maiden avatar it reached the pinnacle of popularity in the whole nation, while the following year the whole universe watched Modi Jockeying IPL horse way ahead any other counties when it was hosted in South Africa. But as Number 3 attached with IPL it turned omen for Lait Modi. The Kochi Team of IPL burned first hole in the ship of IPL and with the time the hole aggravated into a pit and sucked Modi from zenith to nadir. When the imbroglio came out of potboiler many top shots and big mogul were unveiled. To mask their own wrongdoing they laden Lalit Modi with whole blame. He was webbed in the labyrinth of IT sleuths, Legal documents, and worst of all his criminal background in USA. Although Mr. Sam Pitroda blessed India with RTI several years back but still you receive a staring look from Babus and private agencies if you dared to disturb to them ensconced in sarkari kursi. From the wrath faced by Lalit modi it is evident that we still don’t like sitting on hot seat. Only thing he asked from Kochi Team was details of their investor and the whole Cabinet came to share their shoulder with Kochi Team. Frontrunner in the row was Shahsi Tharoor who is eye candy of media more as Minister of “Affairs” rather than Minister of External Affairs because of his verbal diarrhea. Then it was turn of Prafull Patel and his daughter who shrugged their shoulder after eating the icing from the top. He should thank the martyrs of Manglore Airplane crash that his media gimmick of resignation after crash was not accepted otherwise he would have met the same fate as Shahsi Tharoor. Then started the nightmarish span of life for Modi when he was entangled with IT sleuths regarding documents of Ownership of several IPl teams.. This whole incident was testament that how IT and other intelligence agencies play in the hand of politicians and how they use them as weapon to make or break the cabinet body. And last but not the least the Don of BCCI, Sharad Pawar. The way he is ensconced in safe heaven Instead of being victim of exorbitant price of Agri-commodities, irresponsible media blurbs and his latest entanglement in IPL stake ownership he has made it evident that “Don ko pakadna mushkil hi nahi, namumkin hai”. With his political clout he made some Dummy chairman like Shashank Manohar and Chirayu Amin who are better known as his aides.
BCCI also square up the blame with Lalit modi and politicians and that’s the reason since last few months many acronyms have been linked to BCCI. But the one that suits best is Board for Corruption in Cricket in India. The tag “control” in its real name has succinct to money only. The board has always starved for Money and Power In its mad race of politics and opportunism it has put the glory of cricket and pride of nation on stakes several times. Self ego, Politics, Kinship and nepotism has been prioritized over talent and sportsmanship. BCCI has turned into bunch of hooligan who runs the board their way and anyone denying them will have to face the wrath of pasha. As the board feel anyone’s breath at the nape of its neck he is either maligned publicly or ruined to debris, be it Indian Cricketer of the millennium Kapil Dev or “The Wall” Rahul Dravid. If one was ostracized just for joining a rival ICL then other became victim of his own modesty. None of the board member has ever stood rock solid for their offense or taken responsibility of their misdeed. IPL story is nonetheless different. Till the day IPL was hatching golden egg there was a pin drop silence in the board room but as the brazen and blatant half of IPL unveiled most of them did a faceoff as if it stinks.
Guys we know Politics is in abundance in almost every element of India society but time has come to spare few things sane and rational. As we youth have always been the guinea pigs for such political outfit that’s the reason we brought new rung of leader at 10 Janpath but entanglement of Shashi Tharoor Supriya Sule and daughter of Praful Patel in IPL controversy is testament of yuppies being chronic to this nemesis as well. Friends IPL is a very bright feather in the cap of Indian Cricket but it is becoming victim of its own fame. So before it meet the fate of ephemeral fame like ICL save it.

A War of Heart and Mind

The day was Valentine day, the only day when love and peace rule the world. But the war of words between heart and mind was inevitable even today.
The skirmish between mind and heart instigated when the arrogant mind asked the naïve heart with derogatory remark “What is you role in human body, being modest and humble you are just next to nothing.” With a very charismatic smile the heart replied “The body of human is just like a child and the heart, an epitome of maternity, a portrait of love, modesty and piousness and a perfect mélange of the ilk makes me so caring and so modest without any arrogance.” Annoyingly Mind said with derision “Do you know who I am, the Godfather of your son who back him in trouble situation and stand rock solid behind him ” the heart replied promptly “But when ever the son get berserk he recall mother for help.” Veering around the mind say “I am the think tank behind the human machine; I gave birth to the innovative thoughts and pioneering ideas.” The heart replied suavely “The thought and ideas without feeling are equivalent to an orphan, it is the heart that pamper the ideas and imbibe it with feelings.”
Bewildered mind say “Only good IQ (Intelligence Quotient) breeds a successful person and IQ is the asset of mind.” The heart replies “The success of man is not indicated by his image at his workplace which he nurtures with his IQ but by the way he embraces his family with his EQ (Emotional Quotient) and EQ is the feather of the heart’s cap.”
Demonstrating its masculinity mind say “Whenever you had to cudgel with someone the mind tools like shrewdness and pragmatism come into play. The testament of their success hovers from tumultuous Gorilla war up to the hilt of General elections.” Feeling pity on the mind heart says “Just take a hark back to the history, how can you forget the titans like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela who paralyzed their rival with their simple tools of heart i.e. Love and Non – Violence.”
Perplexed mind says “Whatever you justify but you make human only dream chaser, you hypnotize him to build castles in air and when human come out of this hallucination he find himself crippled and depressed but it’s me who drive him to the verge of accomplishment of his dreams, give him confidence and keep his moral up.” Heart replied with elegance “A life without dream is a flower without aroma, a food without taste and a body without soul. I know I drive him crazy but this craziness refurbish his determination and his spirit to win against all the odds.”
Finally the heart solaces the mind “Let’s square it up. Both of us are the nuggets of body let both of us remain indefatigable. It is the amalgamation of maverick mind and pious heart that breed a successful human being